Preserving Falmouth's Heritage The Falmouth Historical Society 

Research - Falmouth Historical Maps

Here are links to maps that are helpful when researching the history of families or property in Falmouth.  We provide links to digital copies hosted by major institutions because most of the maps are enormous.  The full resolution digital maps are so large and in special formats that downloading and processing the entire map is impractical for many.  Most researchers are interested in only a portion of the map.  We suggest displaying the map in full screen mode and zooming in to obtain the most detail with the best clarity.  Capture the displayed image by taking a "screen shot" for processing by any photo editing software.

A presentation given at Falmouth Memorial Library offers a guided tour to these maps:



Willis Map of Ancient Falmouth from 1630 to 1690

Willis, William (1834),  Pendleton's Lithography, Boston

Osher Map Library - Osher Atlas Collection

This map is a companion to Willis' History of Portland.  It portrays English settlement of Ancient Falmouth prior to 1690.

 Willis Map of Ancient Falmouth

Willis Map of Grants by the Falmouth Proprietors 1728

Willis, William (1834),  Pendleton's Lithography, Boston

Osher Map Library - Osher Atlas Collection

This map is a companion to Willis' History of Portland.  It portrays grants by the Proprietors of Falmouth on Falmouth Neck (present-day Portland Peninsula) by 1728.  Many early families in what is present-day Falmouth had homes or businesses on Falmouth Neck.  This well-researched map shows where .

 Willis Map of Grants by the Falmouth Proprietors 1728

Proprietors Map of 1732 

The Falmouth Proprietors (ca. 1732), Portland

Osher Map Library - Sheet Map Collection - Maps at Falmouth Memorial Library

Scroll down to bottom of page and select map at left.

This map is a companion to the Records of the Proprietors (three bound volumes and three small paper books) at the Cumberland County Registry of Deeds.  The map portrays lots in the northern portion of Ancient Falmouth.  It is the only detailed, contemporary map for the period.  It is the vital "Rosetta stone" for making sense of early deeds.  The map was expertly imaged but not digitally enhanced by Osher.  Use of photo editing software will improve legibility.  For more information, see 

FHS Presents-The Proprietors Map.

 Falmouth Proprietors Map of 1732


York, Cumberland and Lincoln Counties of colonial Massachusetts - 1761

Small, John (1761)

Osher Map Library

This map shows the bounds of Ancient Falmouth from 1658 until 1765 when Cape Elizabeth became the first parish to split off into a separate town.

 York, Cumberland and Lincoln Counties

Part of Oxford and Cumberland counties - 1771

Greenleaf, S., Captain (1771)

Library of Congress

This map is a handy reference showing town names and approximate boundaries one the eve of the Revolution.

 Part of Oxford and Cumberland Counties - 1771

Falmouth Harbour ca 1775

Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (ca. 1775), London
Library of Congress

This is a nautical chart.  The coastline and navigable waterways should be fairly accurate.  Roads and other land features may be approximations.

 Falmouth Harbour ca 1774


Falmouth Neck 1775

Willis, W. (1850), Portland

Maine Memory Network - Map at Maine Historical Society

This map shows Falmouth Neck (today's Portland Peninsula) just before it was burned by the British in October 1775.  This was the governmental and commercial center of Ancient Falmouth (minus Cape Elizabeth, including today's South Portland, which split off to become a separate town in 1765).  Many early families in what is present-day Falmouth had homes or businesses on Falmouth Neck.  This well-researched map shows where.

 Falmouth Neck 1775

Plan of Falmouth, Maine - 1794

Noyes, Joseph (1794-5), submitted to the Massachusetts Secretary of State
Massachusetts Archives - Digital Commonwealth - Town Plans - 1794

All towns in Massachusetts were required to submit a plan of the town in 1794 (when Maine was still part of Massachusetts).  Westbrook and the Deering sections of Portland will still part of Falmouth.

 Plan of Falmouth - 1794

Survey of Falmouth Roads - 1804

Town of Falmouth, Maine (1804-)

Maine History Network - Map at Maine Historical Society

This map is the product of a survey conducted to determine the cost of maintaining town roads in 1804.  Subsequent changes appear to have been overlaid onto the original.  The survey was probably completed using a compass and a chain marked off in rods and links.  The roads should be fairly accurate.  Houses were added to provided points of reference; their locations are, at best, approximate.


State of Maine - 1820

Greenleaf, Moses (1820), Boston

Library of Congress

This map is a handy reference showing towns and boundaries when Maine gained statehood.

 State of Maine - 1820

Survey of Falmouth Roads - 1828

Town of Falmouth, Maine (1828)

Osher Map Library - Sheet Map Collection - Maps at Falmouth Memorial Library

Scroll down to bottom of page and select map at right.

This map is the product of a survey conducted to determine the cost of maintaining town roads in 1828.  The survey was probably completed using a compass and a chain marked off in rods and links.  The roads should be fairly accurate.  Houses were added to provided points of reference; their locations are, at best, approximate.

 Survey of Falmouth Roads - 1828

Map of Cumberland County, Maine - 1857

J. Chace (1857), Portland & Philadelphia

Library of Congress

This map portrays Cumberland County in 1871 including many buildings and identifying their occupants.  You must zoom in to for a detailed view of Falmouth.

 Map of Cumberland County - 1857

Atlas of Cumberland County, Maine- 1871 Falmouth, West Falmouth, Falmouth Corners

F.W. Beers (1871), New York

DigitalMaine Repository - Map at Maine State Archives

This map portrays Falmouth in 1871 including many buildings and identifying their occupants.

 Falmouth, West Falmouth, Falmouth Corders - 1871

Atlas of Cumberland County, Maine- 1871 New Casco, Presumscott Falls

F.W. Beers (1871), New York

DigitalMaine Repository - Map at Maine State Archives

This map portrays two Falmouth villages in 1871 including many buildings and identifying their occupants.

 New Casco, Presumpscot Falls - 1871


Stuart's Atlas Of The State Of Maine 1894 Falmouth Foreside and adjacent islands

J.H. Stuart Co. (1894), South Paris, Maine

David Rumsey Map Collection at Stanford University Libraries

Plate 53 of this atlas is a map of Falmouth Foreside.

 Falmouth Foreside - 1894

Richards Atlas of the City of Portland 1914 Part of Falmouth Foreside

Richards Map Co. (1914), Springfield, Mass.

Portland Public Library Digital Commons

Plate 22 of this atlas includes a detailed map of Falmouth Foreside from Mill Creek to Mackworth Point.

 Part of Falmouth Foreside - 1914

Falmouth Foreside Cumberland County Maine July 1924

Sanborn Map & Publishing Co. (1924), New York

Osher Map Library - Osher Atlas Collection

This map portrays much of Falmouth Foreside including many buildings and identifying their occupants.  The link takes you to the first page containing the index.  Determine which map contains the section of Falmouth Foreside of interest.  Click "Next Page" until you reach that page.

The maps are part of a larger collection on Osher's website.  Here are the links to the individual maps:

 Falmouth Foreside - 1924


Past Activities at the Mouth of the Presumpscot River - 1978

Reiche, F. (1978)

This map provides a lot of information about the lower Presumpscot collected by Ford Reiche.

 Mouth of the Presumpscot River - 1978

Historic Topographic Maps

United States Geological Survey (USGS)

National Geologic Map Topoview

This tool displays topographic maps created by USGS from 1880 to present.

 Historic Topographic Maps

Current Falmouth Town Plat

Town of Falmouth, Maine

Vision Government Solutions

This map is the most authoritative portrayal of lots within the bounds of Falmouth today.  This tool also brings up the property information formerly found on "property cards."

 Current Falmouth Town Plat

Suggestions for maps to be added to this page are welcome.

Falmouth Heritage Museum
60 Woods Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105
Telephone: (207) 781-4727

Mailing Address
The Falmouth Historical Society
190 US Route One PMB 367
Falmouth, ME 04105

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Falmouth, Maine

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